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Filter Glossary

Scale (1)

Measuring instrument that serves to determine the weight of a body by using the action of gravity on this body.

Scale (2)

Sequence of scale marks, dots, or numbers on a dial.

Scale division

Smallest increment of a scale.

Scale value

Value of a scale division expressed in mass units.

seca patient file

Collection of patient data for an individual patient in a seca patient database.

Skeletal muscle mass

Comprises the totality of all the muscles that move the body and are responsible for posture.
(cf. seca patient printouts)

Sliding weight scale

Lever balance in which load compensation is effected by a sliding weight system. The sliding weights are set by hand or by means of a setting device. The settling position is found by moving the sliding weight.

Spirit level

Device that indicates the degree incline/decline of an object; usually comprises a sealed container (of glass or clear plastic) that is filled with liquid on which a gas bubble floats. Depending on the application, different shapes such as tubular, cross-shaped or circular spirit levels are used.

Standard on Metrological Aspects of Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments EN 45501

European standard that adds detail to the Directive on Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments 2014/31/EC. The directive itself only covers theharmonisationof legally binding metrological and technical requirements for non-automatic scales that are used in applications subject to legal metrology (compulsory verification). EN 45501, which is based on OIML Recommendation R 76‑1, contains metrological as well as design and constructional stipulations for non-automatic scales, whose fulfilment is indicative of compliance with the main requirements of the above-mentioned directive.

Start Button

Same functionality as a on / off power button.

Strain gauge

Electrical resistance element consisting of an electrically conductive foil trace bonded to a strip of non-conductive carrier material. This carrier film is in turn bonded to the structure whose strain (elongation) force is to be measured. When the strain gauge is stretched, the length of the electrical conductor increases while its cross section decreases. The convergence of both these effects increases the electrical resistance of the conductor which is used to determine a measured value.

Subsequent verification

Any verification of a measuring instrument after repair, contrary to initial verification.

Subtractive tare device

Device for setting the indication to zero when a load is on the load receptor reducing the weighing range.