
Medical Measuring
Systems and Scales
since 1840
seca deutschland
seca gmbh & co. kg.
P.O. Box 76 11 8022061 Hamburg, Germany
Hammer Steindamm 3-2522089 Hamburg, Germany
Phone: 0800 20 00 005 Fax: +49 40 20 00 00-140seca gmbh & co. kg.
HR A 43754 Hamburg
PHG Sönke Vogel GmbH
HR B 26836 Hamburg
WEEE Reg. No. DE 77312633
Turnover tax identification number as per § 27a
Turnover Tax Law: DE452019360
Executive Board:
Frederik Vogel - CEO Development & Manufacturing
Robert Vogel - CEO Marketing & Sales
Your contract partner by ordering in the is:
seca united kingdom
seca ltd, 40 Barn Street
Birmingham, B5 5QB, England
Information regarding Online Dispute Resolution:
The EU Commission will make available an Internet platform for the settlement of disputes (known as "OS platform") in the first quarter of 2016. Consumers will be able to turn to the OS platform for out-of-court resolution of disputes involving contractual obligations arising from online purchase agreements. The OS platform can be called up with this link ( after it goes into operation, which is expected from about 15 February 2016.